LEBARA GROUP - Customer Experience


Over a decade old, Lebara is one of Europe's fastest growing mobile companies with five million active customers, 1,000 employees worldwide and operations in eight countries. Lebara’s vision is to be the brand of choice for 1 billion migrants by 2020. To that aim Lebara has expanded into new products and industries such as video on demand, money transfers, travel and more. The challenge was how to unify Lebara’s digital presence, which had grown organically with no oversight or unification of experience.

The original websites had many UX issues

The new platform


To create a unified experience across digital touch points for Lebara products from Mobile, to VoIP, VoD and Money transfers.

To design and build new websites as part of a Hybris (SAP) upgrade project for multiple countries.

To craft digital toolkits that can be deployed to develop new products with consistent patterns and processes


Converged Delivery

To create an ecosystem that encourages cross-product use by over 10% of customers.


  • Workshops: stakeholder requirements gathering

  • Epic and story grooming: JIRA

  • CX: Journey mapping. 6 hats. Card sorting. Content mapping. Scenarios. Red routes. Personas.
  • Prototyping and wireframing: Paper. InVision. Axure. SketchApp. HTML/CSS/JS.


  • Design toolkits: Style guides. Pattern guides. HTML/CSS/JS code libraries

Style guide Check out flow

  • Formative user testing: Effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Laboratory testing. Ethnography diaries. Remote prototype testing. Data and video logging.
  • Summative user testing: A/B testing and experiments in Optimizely and Hotjar. Laboratory testing. Ethnography diaries.
  • Data analysis: Google Analytics. New Relic.

Discovery Approach

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User Experience

How it helped

Today Lebara has a unified production environment for all digital products.


Remittance, VoIP and VoD platforms have been launched and are being updated.


lebara telecommunications 

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Lebara Money

Digital Wallet

video on demand